Family of Aunt Jemima Actress Speak Out Over Image Change
Relatives of the actress who portrayed Aunt Jemima have expressed concern that when the image of the brand is redone it will erase the history of their family.
Lillian Richard played the role of Aunt Jemima and toured the country promoting the brand for Quaker Oats for over 20 years but her niece feels her legacy may be swept under the rug.
“I understand what Quaker Oats is doing because I’m Black and I don’t what a negative image promoted,” Harris said. “She took the job to make an honest living for herself. When she came home the family was proud of her and we’re still proud of her.”
Quaker Oats announced the change of the 130-year-old Aunt Jemima image last Wednesday after criticism of the image and protests for racial justice.