The Tampa Bay Rays May Be Getting A New Waterfront Stadium
Here we go again with the Tampa Bay Rays as they are taking their last chance at getting a waterfront stadium. For the last 15 years it seems like this has been the will they-won’t they relationship usually reserved for rality TV. But unlike last time (try to hold in the laughter) this time they are for real.
Now we all know what happened last year when the Montreal deal was shot down in flames, thought that be the last you hear of that well yeah but that is what really cemented in the fact that the Rays may just stay here at the Trop. But there is a force still fighting to get the Rays into Tampa.
Darryl Shaw has been working for the last few years to get the Rays into two seperate Ybor City venues. And he has recently purchased 25 Acres of Waterfront property in lovely downtown Tampa right between the Florida Aquarium and Ybor City. The Rays tried in this same area years ago but ultimately passed on the property. This new lot is closer and could land the Rays a waterfront stadium. [Source Fox 13]
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