Is Your State’s Quarter Worth $55?
Your states quarter could be worth $55! The U.S. Mint State Quarters were created from 1999-2008 an only had 5 sates released each year. If you have one of these quarters and its in mint condition you could get at least $1-$55 for it. The coins in question have one of the three markings , “D,” “P” or “S!” D stands for Denver Mint, P stands for Philadelphia Mint and an S is for those created at the San Francisco Mint. No matter what the current price of your coin is you should always keep them, because you never know what they could be worth one day. Below are the values of the coins from the states that I have lived in.
Shandra “Babs” Littleton is a member of the WiLD Squad. She’s originally from Detroit but has spent most of her “grown-up” life in Fort Myers, Florida where she graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University. Babs loves to write about everything from Tampa concerts, to WiLD murders that happened in Florida, and her favorite businesses.