Orlando and Mike Calta Together
I’m sure Tampa freaks out when the hear “Orlando and Mike Calta” together. Two radio guys, quarterbacking two different stations, for competing companies, it’s not the norm. We don’t see it that way. For those who don’t know, Mike Calta and I have been close friends longer than you can imagine. We have a circle of super close friends, dubbed “The Bacon Boys” because of our love for the bacon appetizer at Council Oak. Mike is great at what he does and I’m a fan of his. I’ve known him long enough to say I know he’s a fan of what I do as well. We text while we’re on the air, I adore his family and he’s entertained by mine. When he calls, I answer and vice versa. He’s an awesome dad, and husband, and while I ain’t anybody’s husband, I hear I’m okay in the dad department too. So as people freak about “Orlando and Mike Calta Together” we can shake the weirdness and see 2 friends. It shows on the attached clip.
He Pee’d In My What?
When you hear the audio, you’ll notice a little girl in the background (and involved in some of the chat). I was interviewing the Benitez family. The had their two kids walk up with $100 bills, helping us reach our daily mark of $40,000 and so we were spending time together and Mike walks up the stairs. He strolled past us, hit the port-o-let, kicked it inside my tent, then joined the conversation and the shock of Jaybee Benitez and her family was priceless. It’s not ‘normal” in many cities that two top radio personalities are this close but honestly, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Time to get back to work as the toy drive ends in 24 hours. Thanks Mike, the Calta Family Foundation and Melanie Martin (Cox Media), for donating to The Children’s Home Network. This is what this holiday time is truly about.