St. Pete Mom Arrested, Used Screwdriver On 12-Year-Old Daughter’s Butt
We can’t believe a Florida mother would do this to her own child! A 40-year-old woman was arrested after she allegedly drove a screw into her daughter’s butt while using an electric screwdriver. Before the incident, the family was hanging picture frames in the house when the mother asked her daughter, “Have you ever been screwed in the ass?”
Mom Arrested For Driving Screwdriver Into Buttocks:
The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department arrested Jaclyn Goszczynski after she used an electric screw gun and screwed a nail into the her 12-year-old daughter’s left side buttocks. Police investigated the incident to find out what led to this awful piercing. According to TheSmokingGun, “Goszczynski reportedly said, that when the girl walked past her, she asked ‘the victim who is her twelve year old’ about getting ‘screwed in the ass.’ Goszczynski, cops charge, placed the screw gun on the girl’s ‘left buttock cheek and pressed down on the trigger, driving the screw into her buttocks.’” The screw was actually stuck in her until she was finally able to take it out which left a visible mark.
Goszczynski was arrested Friday evening after the St. Petersburg police showed up. They officially charged her with felony child abuse and set her bond at $25,000. The judge also ordered her to have no contact with the victim. Goszczynski worked as a Florida esthetician but currently has no employment details listed on her record. She did recently move into a small three-bedroom rental home in St. Petersburg. It seems so strange that one minute she was hanging frames on the wall in her new apartment and then the next she used the screwdriver on her own kid. Not only that but asking her daughter, “Have you ever been screwed in the ass?” Luckily the victim is healing from the incident.