Strange UFO Sighting Reported Over Downtown Tampa Last Night
It seems there might have been a UFO sighting last night! Thousands of people are talking about a strange triangle shaped figure that was flying around downtown Tampa last night. Multiple videos show the odd looking unidentified shaping flying quickly left and right. Many people thought it was strange and just starred at the figure moving around in the night sky.
Strange UFO Sighting Last Night:
Just over downtown Tampa, a triangular flying object was seen floating over Bayshore, Davis Island and downtown Tampa last night. You can see in the video posted below on Instagram by TampaLatest that multiple people witnessed the strange event. Could it actually be a true UFO sighting in the Tampa Bay area or is there some other explanation for this happening? Tampa isn’t new to UFO sightings! We’re one of the cities in Florida that has reported many unidentified flying objects.
Florida continues to be a main focus for most UFO enthusiasts with continuous reports of UFO sightings. When people report seeing an extra terrestrial or hover craft they often describe strange lights and unusual flight patterns. Most of the occasions and encounters are mostly unexplained aerial phenomena. Many witnesses are from all over the state of Florida and share different stories but share similar experiences. The main explanation for their accounts is the overall mystery surrounding UFOs. Check out the pictures and videos below of the newest sighting last night.