Sarasota Residents Want The Men Arrested Who Followed And Pulled Weapon On Black Teen
I wish I could say I was shocked by this incident, but I am not! ” Sarasota residents want the men arrested who followed and pulled weapon on black teen.” Have you seen the video that has went viral? It has the internet and residents of Sarasota outraged. According to the footage, a black teenager who lives in Sarasota county was taking a walk through his neighborhood. Sadly, while doing so he was profiled and followed by a mob of angry men. This makes me sick to my stomach that things like this are still happening in 2024. What’s even worst is that this happened about 40 minutes from where I live in St. Petersburg.
Sarasota Men Profile And Follow Black Teen Through Neighborhood
I don’t know about you but sometimes I go on walks in my neighborhood and I will walk around the block a couple of times. I don’t know all of my neighbor’s and im thankful that they have never came out of there homes and questioned me. Maybe because Im a girl? The video below is very disturbing and in it you will also see one of the men grabbing a weapon out of his car. Thank god for the other neighbors in the video who stopped him from taking this innocent young mans life. Shoutout to Thatdanesguy on Instagram for making the public aware of these men.
According to the Daneshguy, the teen was walking through his neighborhood while talking to his girlfriend. As you know, we just went through Hurricane Milton and a lot of us have lost power. The only way he could get a good signal was outside of his home. I had that same problem as well for a few days. Anyway he lives in the neighborhood and those men had no right to stalk, follow and pull a weapon on him! Hope police listen to the residents and arrest those men! Ps: Do you know any of the men in this video?