Tell Us What’s Up! Take the WiLD 94.1 Survey
As a WiLD 94.1 listener, you’re probably aware of the ever-changing platform that is radio. It’s our goal to provide you with content that you find useful and entertaining on the platforms that you use most often. We made a lot of changes this past year that we hope you loved, our biggest change being our brand new WiLD 94.1 app!
We’re writing now to ask for your opinion. Our goal is to continue to provide great content the way that you want it on the platforms you use most often, so we’re inviting you to share your opinions about technology in our annual survey.
You are among a select group of listeners invited to participate and tell us how you use the radio, along with social media, smartphones, tablets, streaming and the web to stay connected to entertainment, news, and updates from WiLD 94.1 and other sources. Whether you use all these things or not, we really need your opinion.
Your responses will be kept completely confidential, and we will never share your personal information with anyone.
The survey may take you as long as 15-25 minutes to complete, but you can stop, save your work, and resume at any time.
Thanks in advance for your time and for your support of WiLD 94.1!