In this article you will read about “3 crazy threesomes that ended with people being arrested in Florida.” What’s crazy is that two of these incidents happened close to where I live in St. Petersburg. If you are confused as to what I mean by threesome. I will give you the definition right now. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a threesome is a sexual encounter involving 3 people. Have you ever had one? Wait, you don’t have to answer that but if you must, my email is I want to hear about your encounter, and if it was crazy!
Have You Ever Been Asked To Have A Threesome?
Have you ever been asked to have a threesome? It is bound to happen at some point in your life, especially if you live in Florida. I have been asked plenty of times but it’s always by people that Im not really attracted to. Why can’t a hot couple ever ask? It’s always the frumpy couple that you meet at a dive bar. One time I actually said yes but when the club night was over, I had to sneak away.
So, if youre not being asked, are you the one doing the asking? How is that and how do you know which people are down for it? I would be afraid of creeping someone out. It also always seems to be 2 girls and one guy. I have never heard of it being the other way around. You don’t really call the other way around a threesome, you call it something else. I will leave you guessing, unless you already know.
Whatever you chose to do sexually, just make sure you are being safe! Use protection and get tested on the regular. Also try to avoid being arrested! Below you will find 3 Crazy Threesomes That Ended With People Being Arrested In Florida.