Ever thought about getting a tattoo but had a hard time picking the perfect design? Well this might help! The website Zippia has complied a list of the most popular tattoos in every state including Florida. So, whether you want to have the same one as everyone else or you want to stay away from these picks it’s a good idea to check! Scroll down and see the list of the most popular tattoo for each state.
Last week Meredith tried an entire sleeve on her arm using temporary tattoos and she loved it. The only problem is that she didn’t know which one she would pick to put on her arm for forever. This list might help you pick something for yourself.
There’s lots of tattoo shops around the Tampa Bay area! So make sure you do your research for your shops artists to see if you’d like their work on your body forever. Remember, the more money you pay, the better quality tattoo you’ll get.