


If you’re into true crime like me, you clicked on this article right away. “Florida National Park named popular place for murderers to dump bodies in the U.S.” This is according to Elizabeth Yetter who writes for Have any idea what park it is? You will find out below but what I will tell you is that it’s about 4 hours from where I live in St. Petersburg.

U.S. Parks Are Popular Places For Dumping Dead Bodies

According to Yetter “In the US, parks are common planting grounds for murderers. Any place with water and dense trees or foliage is an ideal spot to stash dead bodies. Deserts and swamps are especially common hiding grounds because most people avoid hiking in these dangerous environments.”

The Florida National Park that made this list is a place I would never go hiking. Even though this particular park is considered the most dangerous park in Florida, there are people that go and still have a good time. Many people frequent this park and go on tours and some even go camping. Reports tell us that 14 people have died at this park by transportation related incidents. Know which park im speaking of yet? You are getting closer to finding out below.

Florida National Park Named Popular Place For Murderers To Dump Bodies In The U.S.

All my true crime lovers, this information is for us. I mean it’s not like we are trying to go and find the dead body at these places ourselves but it’s an eerie feeling diving into the minds of killers. You can find the full list here. Below you will find 5 popular places murderers dump bodies in the U.S. Of that 5 you will also find the Florida national park named popular place for murderers to dump bodies in the U.S. Feel free to email me [email protected].

  • Louisiana Swamps

    The Louisiana Swamps is an area full of culture an adventure. They have exciting tours and great food. Sadly it is also home to frequent body dumps. In 1995, 24 people were killed and most of the victims were prostitutes. Reports tell us the that women had been dumped in different locations throughout the swamps. Also between 2005-2009,  eight women from Louisiana were murdered. Their bodies were found in the swamps and ditches along the interstate.

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  • Pocono Mountains

    The Pocono Mountains cover 4 counties in region of Northeastern Pennsylvania. The area is full of tourist activity. Sadly it is also a popular place to dump bodies. In 2008, 8 bags filled with body parts were found along two highways in the Pocono Mountains. A year later human remains were also found on a different highway in the mountains. Reports tell us that in 2011 a motorist stopped and found a headless torso wrapped in a plastic bag.

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  • Mojave Desert

    The Mojave Desert takes up land in 4 states. Those states are California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. The Mojave desert is believed to be a dumping ground for the Mafia. Serial killer William Richard Braford dumped a lot of his bodies in the Mojave desert. In 2013 skeletal remains were found of four more bodies in the Mojave desert.

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  • Everglades

    Everglades National Park is located in Florida and is great for tourist attraction. Sadly the isolation makes it a great place to get rid of bodies. One of the most eerie stories involves serial killers Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Elwood Toole. Toole was sentenced to life in prison for arson and raping and eating people. Lucas was arrested and claimed to have participated in about 3k murders. The two told police they were approached by a man about joining a cult called ” The Hand Of Death.” The cult was located in a secret location in the Everglades. Police however searched and found no sign of the cult.  According to Crime Reads,” Since 1965 alone, there have been 175 unsolved cases involving deaths and murders in the Everglades.” 

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  • East River

    East River is located in New York City and has been a dumping ground for dead bodies. New York Magazine once reported that bodies dumped in the East River during winter resurface just in time for “April Showers.” One of the most notorious incidents happened in  November 2000. A teen from Manhattan killed her parents and dumped the bodies in the East River a few days later. Serial Killer Joel David Rifkin also dumped body parts in the East River.

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