Alligators are known for their aggressive behavior and there’s been many encounters with humans in the new recently. Gators will most likely attack when they feel threatened. If you live in the state of Florida it’s important to understand their behavior and take necessary precautions to stay safe especially in alligator infested lakes.
Alligators are more active during warmer months mostly spring through summertime and they’ll be more aggressive when are protecting their nests or area. They will take advantage and exhibit predatory behavior towards smaller animals but could go after humans when they’re not paying attention. Although, attacks on humans are relatively rare it’s still important to stay cautious when encountering an aggressive alligator.
If you want to stay safe around alligators you should always maintain a safe distance. You should always stay at least 20 to 30 feet away which will help reduce the chance antagonizing aggressive response. Do not feed alligators! When people feed alligators they can lose their natural fear of humans and become more aggressive towards them when they’re in search for food. Always be cautious near water in Florida. You don’t know what’s under that water or hiding by the side of the lake. Alligators are skilled swimmers and can quickly run, swim and bite you within seconds. Also, make sure your pet is on a leash while taking a walk. Your little pet can attract alligators and potentially become targets for an attack.
If you are attacked there is something you can do! Make sure you target sensitive areas like their eyes and nose. They will naturally release their prey and escape if they become injured. It’s important to stay informed and minimize your interaction with alligators. Scroll down and see the most alligator infested lakes in Florida.