When Fox’s movie studio was sold to Disney, the House of Mouse got back all of its Marvel properties. This includes the coveted X-Men and Fantastic Four franchises. Along with the X-Men franchise comes a character who has launch a franchise all on his own, Deadpool. Starring Ryan Reynolds, the franchise was stuck in a bit of limbo; since the Disney acquisition of Fox, fans have been wondering what the future of Deadpool would be. Disney is a huge family-friendly brand and Deadpool succeeded in part because of its R rating. Fans of the “Merc with a Mouth” need wonder no more, as Deadpool 3 has been given the green light at Disney.
Deadpool 3: What We Know
Here’s what we know so far, Deadpool 3 is happening and Ryan Reynolds is returning. That’s the biggest boon for whatever comes next for Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds was the guiding force behind Deadpool stepping onto the silver screen. As a fan of the character himself, he brought his own flair to the character. Much like fans consider Robert Downey Jr the defacto Iron Man, Reynolds IS Deadpool in most fans’ eyes. The fact that Reynolds is returning and is also set to produce is a good sign for Deadpool 3.
Tara-Marie Buckley / Shutterstock
(Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)
The writers for Deadpool 3 are changing, which may alarm some diehard fans. But the writers tapped to replace them may just be up for the challenge. Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Loeglin, are up and coming writers who have made their mark with Bob’s Burgers. With Reynold’s producing and helping inject his own brand of humor into the script, Deadpool 3 should be just great as it’s predecessors.
What’s Next for Deadpool?
The big question now that we know Deadpool 3 is coming, is what’s next for Deadpool? Under the Fox banner, he was existing beside the X-Men, but never along with them. Marvel operates very differently from any other comic book or superhero world. The Marvel Cinematic Universe, now fully under the thumb of Kevin Feige, rolls all their properties into one cohesive universe. How does Deadpool fit into that with his unique, fourth-wall-breaking humor?
It’s hard to say for sure, Deadpool does have the ability to hold his own. I don’t think he needs the MCU to be successful. However, with what the MCU has delivered, that’s what the fans want to see. We want to see Deadpool alongside the Avengers. We want to see how Doctor Strange puts up with Wade Wilson’s humor during a tense moment. I don’t think it will be hard to do either, we’ve already seen that the MCU can do humor very well. Deadpool being added in shouldn’t be much of a problem.
While his next solo outing could be literally anything under the sun, I do think Deadpool should show up in one specific place before any other. Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness would be the perfect spot to introduce the Merc with the Mouth. Not in a big, pivotal role that affects anything. But seeing Deadpool pop up in some capacity while Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch are trying to put things back together would be amazing. A quick cameo in that movie with a post-credit scene that shows Deadpool landing in our current Marvel Cinematic Universe would be right on brand.