Lil Durk Fans Want Him To Address Doodie Lo Allegations
Lil Durk’s fans on Twitter are calling for the Chicago rapper to address the child molestation allegations of his artist on his OTF label, Doodie Lo. He is accused of molesting his ex-girlfriend FTN Bae’s five-year-old son.
FTN Bae discussed the details of the assault in a caption on her Instagram as she sent out a warning for future women about the rapper, “While I’m patiently waiting for the police to complete [their] investigation I NEEDED to speak up and expose this SICK MAN to warn other females with kids and maybe other girls who dealt with him and should talk to [their] kids.”
Doodie Lo addressed the allegations on his Instagram Story Friday claiming, “The truth will come out. I can’t wait to do it. I’m addressing all you fake industry blogs n rappers.”
Since FTN Bae publicly spoke out about her son, the rapper has been trying to stir up drama by posting alleged text messages between himself and FTN Bae.
Meanwhile, fans are asking Lil Durk to speak out about Doodie Lo, and some insist his should kick him off of the label altogether. Look how fans are responding to the allegations:
Lil Durk needs to kick Doodie Lo out of OTF after that. That is some of the sickest stuff I’ve ever heard.
— ⚡️T-Time ⚡️ (@Ayo_TTime9) October 28, 2021
?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1453829300805853186%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_& DURK NEED TO DROP DOODIE LO IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!
— LB 💕! (@whoisprettybri) October 28, 2021
It’s Lil Durk PR flooding us with top 10 list and those French remarks to detour from the fact Doodie Lo, his artist sexual abused his Gf 5 Y/O son!! Wake that up 🗣
— Lorena Bobbitt (@rebeccashelbyyy) October 28, 2021
@lildurk the hood would appreciate if u address this doodie lo issue. U can’t be connected to no mf like that.
— Velmia Shakur (@VelmiaShakur) October 28, 2021