Mixing Sun And Alcohol Burns You Faster!
We have some of the best beaches right here! So check this out…do you drink while getting sunshine exposure? If you are consuming alcohol you will burn faster!
You can get a sunburn faster while your drinking.
Researchers measured how much UV light it took to burn their skin after the men consumed about three drinks.
After drinking alcohol the amount of UV light it took to burn the skin was significantly less.
Researchers say it’s not exactly clear why this happens, but they believe it has to something with carotenoids… which are the yellow, orange and red pigments that we get from eating fruits and veggies, and help protect us from UV light. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/07/14/741063881/mixing-alcohol-and-sun-beware-a-buzz-begets-a-faster-burn