Kraft Will Pay You $100 To Get A Babysitter On Mother’s Day
Kraft is giving back to mother’s this Sunday by paying your babysitting bills so you can get out of the house and truly relax!
Kraft will pay up to $100 per mom to cover bills for babysitters all for Mother’s Day! They want you to go see a movie or whatever you want just to get a few minutes alone.
“Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate Mom in all of her greatness, but we know the holiday doesn’t stop the challenges of motherhood — temper tantrums, sleepless nights and picky eaters,” said Sergio Eleuterio, head of marketing for Kraft. “With Kraft Mother’s Day Away, we are giving moms across the country the chance to have what they secretly really want: some time for themselves.”
Send in your Mother’s Day receipts HERE!