[VIDEO] Alicia Keys Supports Her 4-Year-Old Son Getting Manicure And Wearing Rainbow Nail Polish
Alicia Keys is very upset about the backlash her son would receive for wanting to wear rainbow colored nail polish. She’s now urging fans to use less labels especially when it comes to children.
Her 4-year-old son named Genesis got his nails painted different colors like a rainbow when she was getting a manicure but then asked for the polish to be removed so he wouldn’t be made fun of at school.
Meredith’s outgoing personality has led to many other opportunities including being featured in the NY Post twice, Huffington Post, reality television shows, commercials, and magazines, and even earned a spot-on Dancing with the Stars Tampa edition. In her spare time, Meredith loves showing her support with local charities by hosting and attending community events and spending time with her family and friends. You can read Meredith’s content about local Tampa restaurants, crazy Florida man/woman stories, and recommendations of things-to-do.