New Florida Robocall Bill May Control Telemarketing Calls
The bill has been sent to the governor and could go into affect as soon as mid-July.
The latest bill set to control telemarketers amends the last bill that went into effect. What will the new bill do? These are excerpts from a summary from The Florida Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee.
This bill requires all sales telephone calls, text messages, and direct-to-voicemail transmissions to have the receiving consumer’s prior express written consent if the call will be made using an automated machine to dial the recipient’s phone number, or will play a recorded message upon connection with the recipient.
The bill creates a private right of action to enforce the above provisions. An aggrieved party may petition a court to enjoin the violating party. A prevailing plaintiff may recover the greater sum of either their actual monetary damages or $500. Additionally, a court may increase damages by up to three times, for a willful or knowing violation.
Also, the bill limits calls to the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. in the call recipient’s time zone. They also may not call about the same subject more than three times in one 24-hour period. If they use technology that shows a spoofed phone number, that will be a second-degree misdemeanor.
As long as the governor does not sign the bill, it will go into affect, and he’s not expected to sign it.
[Source: TBBJ]