Do You Legally Have To Use Your Turn Signal In Florida
We see people every day not using it and it drives us crazy. So we wanted to know do you legally have to use your turn signal in Florida?
There is a Florida state statute that defines when a driver must use a turn signal. It’s there in black and white. Drivers must use their turn signal 100 feet prior to making a left turn or a right turn. Obviously we have all witnessed that not happening on a daily basis!
According to Trooper Steve Montiero: “There are plenty of rumors about how people don’t need to use the turn signal in certain situations and need to use it in others, but I am here to break it down for you,” he said. “You are required by law to indicate your change of travel anytime you are about to do so.”
It seems that some drivers in Florida need to reacquaint themselves with the turn signal of their car. FYI it’s on the left side of your steering wheel. Push it down for left turn, push it up for right turn! You don’t want us to give a refresher on hand and arm turn signals!
[SOURCE Click Orlando]
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