Is $50 Enough To Take A Girl On A Date In Tampa?
Today on my show we debated rather or not $50 Was enough to take a girl on a date in Tampa. I say it is, Kid Leoww says absolutely not. We took phone calls and the majority of people said no. We would like feedback on this. Do you know of a place where this is possible? I say you can go get some Publix subs and have a picnic. You know get creative. There was a girl who called in and said this was possible at Chili’s. What are your thoughts? Shout out to Creative Loafing! They put together a list of restaurants you can go to when you have $15 or less here in Tampa Bay. Below are the phone calls we took when we asked the question “Is $50 enough to take a girl on a date in Tampa?”
Best Happy Hour Spots In Tampa Bay
Shandra “Babs” Littleton is a member of the WiLD Squad. She’s originally from Detroit but has spent most of her “grown-up” life in Fort Myers, Florida where she graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University. Babs loves to write about everything from Tampa concerts, to WiLD murders that happened in Florida, and her favorite businesses.