Our Power Ball Winning Strategies
Everyone around is in full blown lottery day dream mode. So many conversations are being had about what we would do if we won the $1.5b jackpot. I’ve heard everything from buying an island and never leaving to buying the radio station, but what is everyone’s strategy to hit the big money?
There are so many different ways people try and get lucky, from superstitions to purchasing strategies. One of the members of the squad has consistent numbers that they always play. Maybe important numbers from a birthday, or special occasion. But I was very surprised how many people play the same numbers consistently.
Another popular strategy is where you buy the tickets. Many are convinced that their odds (for whatever reason) increase when they make their purchase from small podunk town so they will travel far and wide to those little places to but a stack of tickets. I think this logic comes from a perceived preponderance of winners from places many have never heard of before.
Another common topic of debate is quick pick vs manual picking. Many say that the quick pick automated method gives them better odds, whether or not those ideas are true or not is anyone’s guess. Regardless of which strategy, if any, you employ it is obvious that Power Ball fever is in full swing. Good Luck!