Future Of Beer Can Island Could Be Decided In Court
For decades people have been partying at Beer Can Island. The 9 acre little island in Hillsborough county has been a favorite for many, may now end up in a legal battle. Officially known as Pine Key, the island was purchased in 2017 for just $64,000 by Johnny Gadd and a few other people. Gadd has wanted to maitinain and improve it making it a place for people to come hang out. Gadd said, “we always wanted to keep it kind of a natural preserve, but also with amenities for humans”, but those wishes are proving to be easier said than done.
Hillsborough county sheriff think the island is quite a liability. For one, there is no place to land a helicopter if there was an emergency and someone needed to be air lifted out of there. Also, it’s a very challenging location for sheriffs to protect with the lack of accessibility. Hillsborough County Commissioner Michael Owen said, “somebody is going to get sick, and we’re not going to be able to get to them, and people are going to ask why, and they’re going to point to the Board of County Commissioners.”
Owen wants the island to be a natural preserve, which would make them take the bar away. But the owners aren’t happy about that, saying it would violate their property rights. If the owners of the tiny island aren’t able to come up with an agreement with the city, the case will be moved into the court system and that is where the future of the island might have to be decided. READ MORE
Two Florida Pizzerias Named Among Best In The World
Some people’s standards for pizza can be pretty low. They’ll be happy with some plain old Domino’s. But real pizza connoisseurs know there’s a lot of hard work that goes into making the perfect pie. Two Florida pizzeria’s must have their recipes down to perfection, because they landed on the list of Best Pizzeria’s in the world. Unfortunately, they’re a bit of a drive from Tampa Bay.
The website 50toppizza.it created a list of the “50 Top Pizzerias in the World” for 2022. They also featured a list of the “50 Top Pizzerias in the U.S.”. The site claims to be the “Guide to the best pizzeria’s in the world.” It’s an Italian-based website, so you know they mean business when they talk about the best pizza’s in the world.
The two Florida pizzeria’s to make it on the list are both based out of Miami. ‘O Munaciello was ranked at #28 in the world and La Leggenda Pizzeria came in at #36. If you ever find yourself on vacation in South Florida, make sure to check out one of these places. Click here to see the full list of places!
The rankings from 50toppizza.it were really making us hungry. Since a pizzeria from Tampa Bay didn’t make the cut, we thought we would share our top 5 Tampa Bay area pizzerias that we think could’ve made the list.
There’s a lot that goes into making the perfect pizza. Anybody can make a tasty sauce and order the finest ingredients. But the most important part is the crust. To get that nice crispy crust, it’s important to let the dough set and rise for at least 24 hours. All the best pizzeria’s treat their dough with care.
Here are Tampa Bay Pizzeria picks that we think could have made 50toppizza.it’s list: