Florida Newest Swingers Using Pink Flamingos To Identify Sex Parties
Do you live in Florida and love living the swinger lifestyle? Well, there’s a new way to identify swingers and no it’s not about upside down pineapples. The big new thing for swingers is using plastic pink flamingos outside to send a sexy message. They are using the usually tacky, pink lawn flamingo statuettes to inform the neighborhood that swingers live here and they’re ready to party.
What is swinging:
Swinging is normally two couples who consent to sex together or will switch partners or swapping partners with another couple. One of the neighbors who recently moved into this specific area noticed several of the RVs with a handful of plastic flamingos and just thought they were innocent and cute. That was, until one of her RV neighbors told her about the real meaning behind the flamingos. She was left shocked and worried.
One of the neighbors slowly figured out what was going on and said, “A neighbor mentioned a heavily partying couple in an RV park that had a painting of his wife as a topless mermaid on the front of his coach. It started to sink in when the neighbor saw the pink flamingos waving in the breeze on the man’s golf cart.”
Apparently, these pink flamingos are a sign for swinging but they’re not just popping up at RV parks. You can see them all over the state of Florida as a sign of the swinging lifestyle! In general, if you were looking to decorate your lawn with a bunch of cute plastic pink flamingos be careful. If you’re not interested in swinging you might not want to use them. Even though they might be adorable, and yes a little tacky this the new swinging signal. Swingers also use upside down pineapples and unicorns.