This Florida City Ranked As One Of The Unhealthiest In America
It seems that American in general isn’t very healthy right now. The Fitness Index was just released, proving that many cities across the country are in fact not doing the best including one Florida city that was ranked as one of the unhealthiest in America. The index looks the nation’s 100 largest cities and compares them on 33 personal and community health indicators. It measures whether people walk and bike to work and spend time at public parks. This Index also ranks the city’s food, smoking rates, overall mental health.
Florida City Listed As The Unhealthiest In America:
Although Florida is listed as having one of the worst cities for health, this year Arlington, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Seattle ranked the nation’s three fittest cities. According to USAToday, “Arlington, Virginia ranked as the nation’s fittest city for the 7th consecutive year. Among Arlington’s strengths: nearly 88% of residents said they had exercised in the previous month.” Other cities that are extremely healthy and are included in the top 10 are San Francisco; Madison, Wisconsin; Minneapolis; Denver; Atlanta; Irvine, California.
Bottom 5 Unhealthiest Cities In America:
Rounding out the very bottom of the list for the cities that are the unhealthiest in America is Oklahoma City. They ranked at the very bottom of the list. As for Florida, Port St. Lucie is among the worst and are at the bottom five according to this report. Also, on the list is Memphis; Wichita; and North Las Vegas which includes 100 individual city rankings. When you don’t have many available parks or city streets that are designed for biking it’s hard for many people to get into an active lifestyle. With Port St. Lucie being listed as one of the worst in the country, Tampa is actually listed as one of the best.