3 Moms Beat Up School Bus Driver Because She Allegedly Ignored A Bullying Incident
A school bus driver in New Orleans is pressing charges after being beat up by 3 women. In this new viral video you can see the mother pulling the bus driver off the bus, dragging her and then beating her up. Andrea Anderson says while she was dropping kids off at home a group of angry mothers were waiting for her. They say it was because she ignored a bullying incident.
— WAVE (@wave3news) October 22, 2021
Parents attacked a school bus driver at a bus stop in New Orleans. Full story: https://t.co/VVhACXgn1P
(Video: WVUE viewer) pic.twitter.com/uFaQXGBzwE
Shandra “Babs” Littleton is a member of the WiLD Squad. She’s originally from Detroit but has spent most of her “grown-up” life in Fort Myers, Florida where she graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University. Babs loves to write about everything from Tampa concerts, to WiLD murders that happened in Florida, and her favorite businesses.