5 Punishments For Your Child That Don’t Include Taking Away Their Phone
Over the weekend, I came across a very disturbing video on Reddit. The clip was of a house and the aftermath of a 12-year-old demolishing it with his bare hands. The reason why? Because his mother took his cell phone away from him. So I decided to make a list to help some parents out. Here are five punishments for your child that don’t include taking away their phone.
There are some legitimate reasons why parents shouldn’t take away their child’s cell phone. One huge one would be so that their house doesn’t get wrecked. Well at least in this parent’s case. Some children would argue they need them for school. Others would even say that phones are necessary in case of emergencies. Some parents even use phones as a tool to track their kids. The sad truth is that cell phones are ingrained in our lives. So here are some ways to teach your children lessons, without taking away their phones.
Write An Essay
This one comes right out of Orlando‘s book of punishments. I heard him talking to his daughter one day about a 10-page essay she had to write for being late. Not only did she have to write 10 pages, but she also had to have a required amount of sources, make sure it was in proper MLA format, and if the grammar was incorrect she had to write it over till it was correct. It honestly made me never want to be late again, and I didn’t have to write it.
Take Away The Video Games
As a video gamer myself, this one hurts. Video games are another tool children use to socialize with friends worldwide but with more applications. They are also used to stream movies, surf the internet, and of course play games. In my opinion, taking away video games is worse than taking away their cell phone.
Holding a Sign
I have to thank the internet for this punishment. I saw a video on Instagram of a mother who made his son hold a sign on the side of the road for several hours. The sign read something like “I like to hit girls, so now I have to stand here and have people honk at me in embarrassment” while the mother watched. It may seem cruel, but I bet he learned his lesson. You will have to set aside some time to watch over them while they pay their dues though.
Restrict Their Phone Usage
You may not be able to take their phone away completely, but you can restrict how much time they are on them. You can do this by only allowing them to use them when they leave the house, or just taking away their internet privileges. Make it so that the only thing they’re able to do on their phones is call and text. No internet means no Instagram, no Facebook, no TikTok, and no WiLD 94.1 app! Why would they even want their cell phones after that?
Wheel Of Punishments
Can’t come up with a punishment? Make the kids choose it for themselves with the Wheel of Punishments. You can even add in the cell phone option that way it is up to them what they get. You can also add in all the old-school punishments like staring at the wall, more chores, working out, community service, and many more. Get creative with it. At the end of the day, it’s all up to them.
What creative punishments would you recommend?