Joey Franchize


How “Wolfman” Will Leave You Howling… In Disappointment

So, I attended the press screening for Wolfman, and my experience was a bit of a mixed bag. For starters, I pulled up to the theater about 15 minutes late, but the plot was so straightforward that I didn’t feel lost at all. The story is set around a family that moves from the city to a rural area, only for the father to be attacked by a "Wolfman," which results in him becoming infected and terrorizing his wife and daughter. The ease of the premise made it easy for me to run out get popcorn and a drink, to just jump right into the watching again, but that was about the only positive I took away from the film. The movie, which clocks in at a brief 90 minutes, give or take, drags on for nearly an hour. There’s very little suspense or interest for most of the runtime, and the build-up is awfully slow. Despite the chilling premise, the film lacks intensity, which really hurts its ability to retain or scare the audience. Julia Garner, known for her great role in Ozark, delivers a decent performance here, but it’s nothing to write home about. She does what’s required of her, but there’s not much depth or range to her character. Unfortunately, her talents feel wasted in a movie that never quite comes to life. However, I can’t wait to see her portray Silver Surfer in the upcoming Fantastic 4 film later this summer. Maybe the biggest letdown is how predictable the entire film is. From the moment the family moves to the isolated area, it’s easy to guess what will happen next. There's one minor twist, no unexpected moment to elevate the experience. The lack of real scares also makes the movie feel more like a missed opportunity than anything else. Overall, Wolfman is a forgettable experience, lacking the intensity and horror you’d expect from a monster movie. I give it a 3/10.

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