Florida Man Dead After Hitting The Lottery Seven Times
Yes, you read the headline right “Florida man dead after hitting the lottery seven times.” God bless this man because before he passed away, he wrote a book on how to increase your chances when playing the lottery. So, where was this man from? According to Florida Today, he was from Orlando. Richard Lustig died a legend with many publications calling him the Luckiest Lottery Winner Ever. I wonder if they have his book for sale here in St. Petersburg. I will have to check my local book stores. So who was Richard Lustig, and when did he start his winning streak? You will find out below.
This Florida Man Is The luckiest Lottery Winner Ever

Richard Lustig of Orlando was so lucky at playing the lottery that back in 2010 he wrote a book called “Learn How To Increase Your Chances Of Winning The Lottery.” According to Florida Today, he had a system that he believed in and wanted to show other people. One of his tips that stood out to me is when he said “Don’t buy quick picks.” What’s crazy is that is all that I buy and it’s probably the reason I have not won yet. His other tips are stay consistent when playing, don’t change the numbers and understanding the odds. You can get more of his tips by purchasing his book on Amazon HERE.
Florida Man Hit The Lottery Seven Times
In January of 1993, Lustig won $10K from a scratch-off ticket. In August of 1997 he won $13.6K from a Florida Lottery Fantasy 5 ticket. Fast forward to June of 2000, He won $3.5K when he played a scratch-off ticket in Los Angeles. In 2001 he went to visit Memphis and ended up wining $5k when playing a scratch-off ticket. 2002 was Lustig’s luckiest year. He won almost $1M when playing Mega Money which is now known as the Mega Millions. He still kept getting lucky because in 2008 he won $73.6K from a Fantasy 5 ticket. His last win before he died was in August of 2010. Lustig won Almost $100K on a Fantasy 5 ticket.
According to reports Lustig’s wins amount to a total of $1,052,205.58 before taxes. Sadly in 2018, he died at the age of 67. May he rest in peace!