Joey Franchize

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Red Bull Flugtag Comes Back To Tampa

Tampa is taking flight in November, as the Red Bull Flugtag is coming back to the area. I’ve only ever seen events like this on YouTube or scrolling through socials. I’m excited this is coming to the city. The Flugtag is a handcrafted flying machine that is usually 33ft long and can weigh up to 330lbs. The word Flugtag is German for “Flying Day." Anyone can join and participate in the Flugtag. If you are looking to compete in the event, each team must submit their application to Red Bull on their site and the sign-up dates are from July 8th – September 19th. Hope to see Tampa craft some cool vessels and look forward to seeing tons of these giant paper plane like crafts take the 27-foot leap from Red Bull’s flight deck into the water. Now, I’ve never seen a craft glide across the water, but hopefully that can change here in Tampa. This event is coming back to the city for the first time since 2011, and Red Bull is expecting to bring out 100,000 people to pull up to the waterfront by Tampa’s River Walk. Now, each vessel will be judged, not just off the distance that it goes, but by style and creativity as well. The event is also free to attend. I can’t wait to get in on the action and see all the cool vessels and see them crash right into the river. This will be the first time seeing this in person and I’m glad it’s back in our backyard. In 2011, I wasn’t in Tampa so to be here now when it comes this year is cool. See what you can expect, when Red Bull Flugtag comes to Tampa November 9th here.

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